Serendipity: Earth Day During TV Turn-off Week

April 22nd, 2008

No doubt the blogosphere will be abuzz today with recommendations about how to spend your Earth Day. Clearly, if you can pick up some litter or skip a car trip, you can make a difference. But what else? How can you celebrate a meaningful Earth Day with a child?

Maybe it’s not just serendipity that causes Earth Day to fall during TV Turn-off Week. Maybe it’s Divine Inspiration.

As Treehugger pointed out, “The sad truth is that the average American kindergartener can identify several hundred logos and only a few leaves from plants and trees.”


Why not use this week, when the TV is off, to teach your kid how to recognize different trees? It’s okay if you don’t know yourself…just grab a book or an Internet print-out like this one.

The best way to develop an appreciation for the Earth and its fragile bounty is to spend time with her most magnificent creation, Nature. If a child learns to love plants, trees, and animals, he’ll naturally want to learn how to take steps to protect Nature.

So this Earth Day – TV-Turn-Off Week, get outside and appreciate what we’ve been given. Then think about what you can do to help preserve it for future generations.

Help a child learn to recognize a Maple leaf as quickly as he may recognize a McDonalds logo.

Happy Earth Day.

— Lynn

Copyright OrganicMania 2008

2 Responses to “Serendipity: Earth Day During TV Turn-off Week”

  1. MamaBird/SurelyYouNest on April 22, 2008 9:38 am

    Nice. We have a great fandex with cardboard cutouts that show, well, shape w/photos and lots of info. But the best resource of all for our family is my father, a birder and naturalist in the best old sense.

  2. Mother Earth on April 22, 2008 10:21 am

    We turned off our TV in 1996 and haven’t had it on since! We turned afterschool time into a nice walk from school, healthy snacktime, study and create our evening meal time. After dinner was always about reading. Still is 12 years later!! Best part is whatever I need to know about, things folks think I am ” missing” because of not watching the news I some how find out about.

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