Green Spider Webs: Cleaning Fun for Kids

June 11th, 2008

Like many Moms, I’ve been trying to get my son to take on more household chores. When we first made the transition to non-toxic, “green” household cleaners, it was a revelation. Finally, he could fully participate without any worries about exposure to household toxins. He loved spraying the cleaning fluid all around — which turns out to be the Real Reason to use green eco-friendly cleaners!

How quickly things change! Just a few months later, this newly minted kindergarten graduate thought himself too cool to help clean the downstairs bathroom. By the way, that’s the bathroom that’s every Mom’s worst nightmare: the gross downstairs little boy bathroom.

So I gave him another chore, whipped out the GreenWorks toilet bowl cleaner, and went to work on my own.

When he came by to check out the scene, he was furious.

“You didn’t tell me!”

“What are you talking about? I asked you if you wanted to help spray the new green toilet bowl cleaner.”

“NO! You didn’t tell me you had GREEN SPIDER WEBS!!!”

“You mean this?,” I asked, pointing at the dripping mess over the toilet.

“Yes, those are green spider webs!”

“Ok, well, when someone invites you to do something new, you should never say no before checking it out,” I admonished him. “You might be missing something cool. Remember that.”

And in the future, Moms, remember that the way to get your little boys to help with the toilet bowl cleaning is to say, “Hey, come help spray green spider webs down here!”

Works for me!

And don’t try this with your typical toxic toilet bowl cleaners, which can harm you and your little darlings. Stick to eco-friendly products like GreenWorks or this “Earth Stone” my bloggy green friend Anna reviewed here, or the Shaklee stuff my bloggy friend Mother Earth sells here. What green cleaning products do you use? What works for you? Leave a comment and share!

— Lynn

Copyright 2008 OrganicMania

5 Responses to “Green Spider Webs: Cleaning Fun for Kids”

  1. MamaBird on June 11, 2008 9:06 am

    OK, I am going to be laughing about that one all day. We use Mrs. Meyer’s geranium scented toilet bowl cleaner. Can webs be any color?!

  2. Anna (Green Talk) on June 11, 2008 11:29 am

    Do you think this argument will work on my teenage boys? My littlest one does not even pick up the seat. So, you know how many times I have sat in you know what?

    I think it is great you are teaching your son! This is a priceless story.

    Thanks! It helps to have a sense of humor, doesn’t it? — Lynn

  3. mama k on June 11, 2008 6:15 pm

    I like the 7th Generation toilet cleaner. For everything else it’s vinegar, baking soda or the occasional “green” all purpose spray. :)

  4. surprisedMama on July 21, 2008 6:52 am

    I just found this article today while looking for ways to get my kids involved in helping me clean the house.
    I did not know that there were organic cleaners and not having a lot of money to start with I normally buy the cheaper cleaners on the market.
    The toxic ones. I just went and read the bottles and was just thrown.
    I need to ask though. Are organic cleaners comparatively priced to the cheap ‘dollar store’ variety?
    I’d love to be green but I don’t have a lot of money. I technically live below the poverty line and I am a full time college student, single mom of two.

    Hi Surprised Mama, thanks for stopping by OrganicMania! Actually, you can be green and clean for even less money than you would spend buying regular cleaners. All you need is some white vinegar, baking soda, and a spray bottle. Check out this link with great how-tos for making your own cleaners:
    And godspeed to you, it must be hard – I was raised by a single Mom and lived on what we used to call “the wrong side of the railroad tracks” (Literally) so i know how hard it can be. Hang in there. You sound like you’re really trying to do the right things. — Lynn

  5. Everything Mommy on November 10, 2009 10:16 pm

    Anyone who wants to be green and wants thier children to be able to help clean but cannot afford Organic, should definetly make thier own cleaning products…you wouldn’t want your little one breaking out, taking a sip or breathing in anything else.

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