Still More Shopping To Do? Be Cheap, Be Green!

December 22nd, 2008

There are only two more shopping days till Xmas. If you still have some gifts to buy, stop and take a deep breath. Do you really think you’ll find something meaningful at the last minute?

My DH and I admitted to each other this weekend that we hadn’t yet purchased gifts for each other. We’ve been so busy with the kids, work, and new routines for the holiday season that it took us all of 5 seconds to decide to forgo the gifts, and to funnel the money into a celebration of our tenth anniversary, coming up in January. Will I miss opening a little package on Christmas Eve? I have no idea, but I’ll let you know!

But let’s assume that you feel obligated to give a gift to your close relations or neighbors. Do they have kids? Last year my brother and sister-in-law gave us a night of babysitting. A $100 savings for us, this was a huge hit! The best gift we’ve received in years!

And if there are no kids involved? How about a promise to water the garden, walk the dogs, or otherwise pitch in for a friend or neighbor who may welcome a break. Why not give the gift of your company? How about a hand made certificate promising a lunch or coffee date?

And when all else fails, you can always bake Christmas cookies!

What are your plans for the holidays? Leave a comment and share! I’ll be checking in, but hope to go on a “slow blogging hiatus” over the next little while to enjoy the start of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

Happy Holidays!
— Lynn

2 Responses to “Still More Shopping To Do? Be Cheap, Be Green!”

  1. Sommer Green & Clean Mom on December 24, 2008 9:50 am

    Hi Lynn! A night of babysitting sure is a good idea. I would forgo opening something up for that gift.

  2. Alline Anderson on December 24, 2008 1:25 pm

    Nice post, Lynn! Isn’t it interesting that the more appreciated gifts are often the most thoughtful ones? The babysitting idea is fantastic! Our shopping list has gotten smaller over the years, and we are now giving more gifts of home-made food, preserved over the summer – salsa, blackberry or peach preserves, pickes, all from our garden, wrapped up with a great big bow. My husband loves Christmas but hates gifts – he was thrilled to get the new pair of work boots he needed. We’ll put a bow on them tomorrow. Have a lovely time off from blogging – I look forward to your return!

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