Something to Listen To…Green Interview

March 31st, 2009

I’ve blogged a few times about “better late than never.” Well, this is one of those times. So bear with me as I post this podcast interview conducted by the wonderful Tom Tucker of Green The interview was recorded some time ago (you’ll have to listen to it to figure out when!) and in it, I discuss tips for making the most of your organic shopping budget, my life as a green marketing consultant, how I got started in the Green Blogosphere, and the wonderful Green Moms of the Green Moms Carnival.

Poor Tom Tucker has probably been scratching his head wondering why I didn’t post this sooner – so my very public apologies to you, Tom. Thank you again for a delightful interview.

What has finally motivated me to post this interview? Well, I have another radio interview tomorrow – this time with community radio station KVMR’s See Jane Do program which is “a social change multimedia program, capturing the stories of everyday women doing extraordinary things for the planet.” The Corporation for Public Broadcasting-funded program will be webcast here at 4:20 p.m. EST Wednesday – and it’s a call-in show. I invited fellow Green Moms Carnival member Jennifer Taggert aka The Smart Mama, to join me, along with Lisa Frack, online parent outreach coordinator for The Environmental Working Group.

In prepping for my interview tomorrow, I listened to the Green Blogosphere interview again. My verdict? I think I shared a lot of good information, but said “um..” too often! And can you tell I’m from New Jersey?

Please let me know what you think!


Copyright 2009 OrganicMania

Thrilled that Blogging Continues to Change My Life

July 8th, 2008

Shortly after starting OrganicMania, I wrote this post about How Blogging Changed My Life, which ran on LaMarguerite. As I wrote then, I “realized that organics and green living are more than simply an interest of mine. I want to find a way to make these passions fit into my work life too. This is obviously a huge change, and I’ll be blogging more about this as I explore what new doors may open for me.”

Happily, many doors have opened since that post. Not only do I want to share this good news with all those who have encouraged my efforts with OrganicMania, but I think it’s important to do so in the interest of “full disclosure” as well.

When I started OrganicMania, my marketing consultancy was focused on technology businesses, which was a logical step since I had spent my entire career in high tech marketing. Yet when it was time to explore social media and blogging, I chose to blog not about tech marketing, but about organics and going green.

Now, thanks to OrganicMania, I’ve expanded my marketing consulting business into the organic, green and non-profit sectors. My new clients are: Mom Made™ Foods, a leading brand of organic children’s foods; Livability Project, an organization focused on building sustainable communities; and .ORG, The Public Interest Registry, which manages the .ORG top-level Internet domain.

At times this journey seemed like something straight out of Oprah. Following my bliss was scary for me, as there was no defined career path, no specific roadmap to follow. There was no rational plan for how all of this unfolded. I met Heather Stouffer, founder of Mom Made, after she left this comment on OrganicMania. I met Dave Feldman of Livability through my volunteer work with Bethesda Green. In fact, I’ve met so many amazing people through OrganicMania – that’s another way blogging has changed my life, and another post for another day.

Thanks again to all of you for your support.

— Lynn

Copyright OrganicMania 2008